Welcome to CogNet Rehab Solutions
A Neuropsycholigically Driven Assessment And Treatment Program.
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Who We Are
CogNet Rehab Solutions.
CogNet is a network of doctors and rehabilitation specialists who specialize in treating individuals who have sustained a mild traumatic brain injury or are experiencing prolonged symptoms from a concussion. Our services help support individuals experiencing a wide range of cognitive deficits to include; decreased memory, poor concentration, decreased problem solving abilities or difficulty organizing and prioritizing daily tasks. These subtle yet debilitating changes represent signs of head trauma and may also indicate early signs of dementia. Additionally, CogNet Rehab Solutions helps diagnose and treat those who have experienced emotionally traumatic events that can lead to sever anxiety, depression, and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

What Can We Do For You?
Accessible quality healthcare for home and beyond
CogNet Rehab Solutions offers services both in office and by video telehealth. Our formal assessments help identify cognitive deficits and emotional disorders that are often a result of significant life events where emotional trauma or head injury is sustained.
Once our assessment is complete a specific treatment plan is tailored to each individuals’ specific goals.

Our Programs
CogNet Assessments & Treatment

Map Key
- PSYPACT Participating State
- Enacted PSYPACT Legislation - practice under PSYPACT not permitted
- PSYPACT Legislation introduced
Neuropsychological Assessments

Neuropsychological Concussion Protocol (NCP)
- Duration 45 minutes to 1 hour.
- New injury less than 12 weeks from Date of Injury (DOI).
- Objective is to Diagnosis Concussion or Not a concussion.
- Includes recommendations for other specialties and “short-term treatment”.
- Exclusive to Telehealth (at this time).

Cognitive Behavioral Assessment (Basis for treatment program)
- Duration 2-3 hours.
- Evaluates Post Concussive Syndrome(PCS) and Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (mTBI).
- Defines cognitive deficits and emotional trauma for treatment team.
- Ideal use 12 weeks post DOI up to 6 months.
- Indicated if uncertain or insufficient evidence of mTBI or PCS.
- Includes recommendations for other specialties and longer-term treatment.

Comprehensive Neuropsychological Evaluation (Forensic Expert)
- Duration up to 6-8 hours to complete.
- All levels of TBI appropriate.
- Administer > 6 months from DOI.
- Identifies severe to subtle cognitive deficits and emotional trauma.
- Extensive review of available records and clinical correlation where relevant.
- Provides immediate and long-term recommendations for cognitive and emotional treatment as well as other specialties.
- Incorporated into Life Care Plans when indicated.
Psychodiagnostic Assessments

- Duration 2-3 hours to complete.
- Provides basic testing to determine presence of emotional trauma.
- Provides accurate diagnosis for treatment purposes. .
- Differentiates disorder as many mental health disorders have similar features..

Comprehensive Psychodiagnostic Evaluation (Forensic Expert)
- Duration 4-6 hours to complete.
- Extensive testing to confirm diagnosis of PTSD, Depression, Anxiety or other emotional trauma.
- Extensive history and record review to rule out pre-existing psychiatric history and rule out contributory factors or apportion.
- Provides long term projections for treatment.
Treatment Services

Cognitive Remediation ( Also known as neurorehabilitation or cog-rehab)
- Cog-Rehab targets specific cognitive functions such as attention, memory, planning and organizational performance which are often compromised as a result of a traumatic brain injury.
- Supports neuroplasticity (reorganize nerve connections) and develops compensatory strategies for cognitive deficits.

- CogNet offers EMDR for patients who are diagnosed with PTSD.
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy known as CBT is a commonly used approach in head injury to help patients cope with emotional dysregulation such as social anxiety, irritability, anger, depression, feelings of overwhelm, general anxiety, mood swings, or emotional lability.
- CogNet offers a wide range of psychotherapeutic treatment approaches to address depression, anxiety, sleep disturbance and many other mood disorders
Professional & Expert Providers
Quality Starts With Highly Trained Providers
All CogNet Providers Go Through A Background Check With Primary Source Verification Through The National Physician Data Base (NPDB) And The American Medical Association (AMA) For Medical Licensure, Training And Education, Work History And Malpractice History. If you are interested in learning more or becoming a network provider please contact us at 213-459-0869